Friday 10 October 2008

poppy pupPETS

Some weeks ago, I got together with the very clever and handsome critter, Catten Carter and we erm.... merged minds! The result was the whelping of a litter of extremely good looking, intelligent and adorable puppies.

Inevitably, as with all puppies, they needed a massive training regime so we decided to delay homing until they were completely ready. They are absolutely the ideal PET for any avatar from any genus, whether you are tiny, critter or full-sized.

After several whacks on the nose with a newspaper, we feel they are now ready for loving homes. We needed to name them for training purposes. However, we have made it extremely easy for new owners to choose a new name. The puppies are very adaptable so they will very quickly respond to it. Below, you will see the full details of their abilities; but here are their recently taken portraits, ready for for you to choose one to fall in love with.






Q. What does a poppy pupPET do?
A. More cute stuff than any other walking pet in SL!

  • It pees on the ground
  • It sleeps
  • It begs
  • It hangs its head and cries when it's punished
  • It sticks its tongue out
  • It rezzes a ball and plays football with any number of avatars or other puppies
  • It walks
  • It finds lost objects and points to it
  • It finds avatars and points to them
  • It follows another avatar
  • It follows you
  • It comes
  • It sits
  • It stays
  • It responds to praise
  • It pants when it plays
  • It cries for help and sends a slurl if it gets lost
  • If it gets lost, it returns to a basket you have rezzed and goes to sleep
  • It roams within radius you set from 10 metres to 100metres
  • It randomly chooses actions to perform when roaming
  • It throws off other avatars who try to ride it
  • It has a colour change collar
  • Anyone can pet it (with either normal or tiny avatar animation) and it will return love
  • You can rename it
  • You can choose if you want to have its name showing
  • You can choose for it to be silent
  • It gives you a help card on command
  • It preloads its textures
  • It contains an updater for when we add cool new features
  • Puppy instructions are easily given via a MENU
  • No need to remember chat commands but if you prefer to type commands in chat then the help card tells you how

    Q: The puppy appears to be floating
    A: This is a limitation of Second Life. Physical objects will always float a bit over the ground

    Q: I lost my puppy
    A: Rez the basket then click it to locate your puppy. Puppy will return to the basket and go to sleep.

    Q: My puppy broke!
    A: The pet script in the puppy is very complex, but we continually add updates. If you find a bug/error with your puppy, please write down what happened and send it as a notecard to either Etheria Parrott or Catten Carter

    Q: I wish my puppy would do....
    A: We always welcome suggestions for new functions. If you have a great idea or suggestion, send it as a notecard to either Etheria Parrott or Catten Carter

    Q: Some body part of the puppy did not move correctly
    A: This can happen under heavy sim stress. Wait a second, order the pup to stay, and it will correct itself.

    Q: Will the scripts work correctly on Mono?
    A: This puppy is compiled for Mono to reduce sim lag and increase performance

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